"One way to achieve YOUR impossible, is to change YOUR mind to"I'M POSSIBLE."
"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
~Saint Francis of Assisi"
Let's Tune In. Test your Intuition.
Focus on a photo, try to see, hear, or feel the meaning of the photo.
Then scroll down to "Tune In" to see if you are correct.
"Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Tuned in? Take what resonates? Go within? Free will?Ground yourself? What is intuition? Meditation? Angel Numbers? Chakras? Synchronicty? Expand your consciousness? Ascend? Love & Light?
What does all that mean? Where does one start?
It starts with You. You wanting to know. You asking the question.
There are several earthly spriritual guides that can answer these questions for you. However, to EXPERIENCE the answer means so much more in terms of understanding the question.
Your true teacher, instructor or professor is YOU. Your Spirit Guides, Divine Guides and Guardian Angels are waiting to connect with you and direct your footsteps to the answers you seek. We are here to help you, we can show you how to connect with them.
You are never alone. We can help you on your journey of discovering who you really are.
Choose Yourself First
Traveling Spiritual Life Guide
You Are Not Alone.
Certified Reiki Master
Source Energy's
Healing Embrace
Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Card Interpreter
Energy Pathways
Intuitive Channeled Sessions
A Message For You
Meditation Sessions
Find Your Quiet
Connect To Nature
Ground Yourself
Find Your Center
Your life is a manifestation of the energy you project. Positive or negative. You are the Creator, creating the creation. You have free will to choose what you create.
Use your body to raise your vibration...add foods touched by light, they will give you energy. Take a walk in the sun, it will help clear your mind. Practice mindfulness when you take contemplative steps.
Choosing compassion or kindness is being of service to others. Opportunities will present themselves for you to make a choice; in traffic while driving, in the middle of a spontaneous disagreement, or volunteering to a worthy cause. Choosing Love is choosing yourself.
For your overall well being, try Yoga or Tai Chi (fluid meditation). At least one excercise each day helps you gain a sense of accomplishment. Walk from the kitchen to your bedroom 10 times. You control the narrative. You still win. Give yourself an extra five minutes each day to take care of you. Have some tea before work, put on a little extra lotion or your favorite scent, journal something positive in the morning and then review at the end of the day.
For your overall well being, try Yoga or Tai Chi (fluid meditation). At least one excercise each day helps you gain a sense of accomplishment. Walk from the kitchen to your bedroom 10 times. You control the narrative. You still win. Give yourself an extra five minutes each day to take care of you. Have some tea before work, put on a little extra lotion or your favorite scent, journal something positive in the morning and then review at the end of the day.
Choose yourself first.
“When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.”~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”
~Marcus Aurelius Antonius~
Practice Soul-Centered Self Care to raise your vibration and...EMPOWER YOURSELF
You HAVE a body, you HAVE a mind...your Soul IS You.
"Something told me..." Soul Urging is your soul giving you direction on which way to go.
Your soul is the hub of the wheel that makes up the different facets of your life.
Each spoke represents a decision made that allowed your mind to think about an inspired direction to take. Your body then took take action toward fulfilling your wish.
By following this urging, a solution will be found. Think, Believe...Take Action.
Remember, thoughts become (manifest into) things. Positive or Negative.
• Always find the positive side of a matter to create an alternate reality.• See all pieces and parts from a higher state of mind.• Looking at things in this manner will help you stay in balance emotionally.
Choose Yourself First.
Tuned In
Being 'tuned in' to our intuition allows one to connect to Source or whatever you call your Higher Being.
Some people trust their gut or they feel "something told me to do this or that." By tuning in we can receive messages from our Spirit Guides, Divine Guides or Guardian Angels who assist us on our path.
You are energy. You share energy with other people, places and things.
Clear your space, maintain your emotional balance, and protect your energy.
Divine Guides
You are never alone.
Call on your Spirit Guides, Divine Guides & Guardian Angels. Because of your free will, you must ask for assistance.
You are the Creator, creating the Creation. Follow soul urgings to tap into your imagination to create your heart's desire.
You are a receiver and transmitter of vibration like a radio station. Raise your vibration.
Find your passion.
Laugh out loud.
Hug the feeling. Share the Love.
“Helping the one person may not change the world. But it could change the world for one person.~Anonymous~
Contact us today to discuss how we can help :)